Get Your Arcade replica Light Guns Here!

Fully Compatible with Gun4ir Software!


Welcome to the Visionplay UK online store.

We are now able to offer high quality Gun4ir compatible light guns to the UK and select countries worldwide (see our FAQ section for more information).

All of our brand new ‘custom made to order’ light guns are hand assembled from high quality electronic components and tested in a factory environment.  This ensures that we can deliver the best possible products available on demand and direct to your door shipped within 30 Days from the UK!

Please note we are not official sellers so we do not supply Gun4ir software licenses with our products. You can only buy the license at the official Gun4ir website HERE.

If you have any questions you can contact us or you can find us on our discord server in

our facebook group or on reddit.

We now also have a news channel on kriscoolmods discord server here.

Thanks for visiting and we look forward to hearing from you soon!